7 Reasons Not to Wear High Heels ...


7 Reasons Not to Wear High Heels ...
7 Reasons Not to Wear High Heels ...

There are some very sound reasons not to wear high heels, or at least to limit the amount of time you have them on. Sure, they look good, and many women love wearing them. However, it does your feet no good to force them into 4 or 5 inch heels all the time; if you do, you'll pay for it later. Here are some smart reasons not to wear high heels …

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1. Walking

One of the most sensible reasons not to wear high heels is if you are going to be walking more than a short distance. Have you ever had to walk home when you've missed the bus? Walking is just not comfortable if you have heels on! So avoid blisters and sore feet by putting on flats or low heels. Your feet will thank you …

2. Injury

How many times have you almost tripped over in heels, or got your stiletto stuck in a grating? Lots of women have suffered quite serious injuries while wearing high heels. So take care of yourself and avoid wearing heels in situations that could prove hazardous. Be especially careful if your job requires you to be on your feet a lot.

Frequently asked questions

3. Impractical

Have you ever tried driving in high heels? It's just not practical, and can potentially affect your ability to drive. If you are driving to a special event and want to wear heels, keep a pair of flats in the car. That way, you can drive safely and still look good when you want to.

4. Safety

While nobody wants to be paranoid, we all need to look out for our own safety. If you find yourself in a risky situation, you may need to make a quick exit. Running in heels really isn't an option, so as with driving, it may be safer to swap to flats when heading home after a night out.

5. Unhealthy

Sure, high heels are gorgeous, and can make your legs look stunning. Is it really worth damaging your foot health for the sake of fashion though? We don't give much consideration to the fact that our feet have to work hard, and tend to take them for granted. Spending more time in flats or low heels can avoid all sorts of problems such as corns and bunions (no, those aren't just old lady problems!).

6. Height

Those of us who are somewhat vertically challenged may think that heels make us look taller. We are, unfortunately, just kidding ourselves! Five inch heels are not going to add height, they will just make you look like a small girl playing dress-up in her mom's shoes. So get used to your lack of height, because it isn't going to change.

7. Fashion

Celebrities are usually seen in skyscraper heels. That's because it's their job to look good and promote fashion. However, fashion is not generally practical for the lives of we "ordinary" women. Wear the shoes that you like, not what you're told by the fashion "experts" that you should be wearing.

There's no reason (unless you have a foot injury) that you can't wear high heels on occasions. They're pretty, sexy and make you feel good. However, for all the reasons listed above, high heels are really not suitable for frequent wear. Save them for special occasions instead, and look after your feet. Have you ever suffered an injury because of your high heels?

Feedback Junction

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Also degrading fashion by saying it is not for ordinary people is degrading many women out there who enjoy fashion...

Great! And yes some short girls who do wear super high heels do look like kids playing dress up

I will always wear my heels! I don't think there is anything wrong with wanting to look taller and well dressed

I'm 4'9 and I love wearing heels it makes me feel older and confident. Without my heels I look like a kid. I wear wedges which are much more comfortable than stiletto shoes. I'm not going to stop wearing my heels, for me it's a must!

Hmm really though... I think I may be in denial about this lol

Frankly, I don't wear flats or sneakers anymore but only heels. But I do think there are lots of pretty flats or sneakers, unfortunately I love heels too much.

I'll never stop wearing heels,I flat out adore a gorgeous strappy heel,makes me feel powerful and sexy as heck not to mention they give outfit an instant boost

I find it hilarious, that at the end of this article, it immediately points you to tips on how to wear high heels, and another article on reasons why you should wear them lol.

I'm 5'11 so I don't do heels! I'm terribly uncoordinated and am just asking for an accident if I take both feet off the safety of flat ground! Plus I would look like a drag queen in heels!

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