A Shoe Story How to Pick the Best Shoes for You ...

Deborah Nov 12, 2017

A Shoe Story  How to Pick  the Best Shoes for You ...
A Shoe Story  How to Pick  the Best Shoes for You ...

Are you a girl who wonders how to pick the best shoes for you. There are so many pairs and it can be hard to figure out which pair you should buy. Unless you're a trillionaire and can afford to buy them all, it makes sense to learn how to pick the best shoes for you.

Once upon a time there was a girl walking barefoot down Park Avenue in New York City. The pavement was hitting her feet hard when she looked in the window of a shoe store, and her face lit up, but she frowned again. She did not know how to pick the best shoe for herself, she wanted them to fit just right and be comfortable for her long walks in and out of the woods. She realized that “the fact is, sometimes it's really hard to walk in a single woman's shoes. That's why we need really special ones now and then to make the walk a little more fun” (Carrie, “Sex In the City”). OK, she thought, shoes are a big part of my expressive style, but how do I choose?

She went in the shoe store and scanned the many shelves of shoes. There were bold colors, heels of every height, business-like, laid-back, sexy, sporty, so many! There were hundreds of heels in animal prints, bright colors, feathers, pointy-toed and at least 3 inches high, wedges, and flats. Oh, my! She had always wanted to look and feel stylish, and now shoes could be used to assert a grown-up sexier image. She decided to try on several different pairs and examine the important features of flats and work up stilettos.

She realized that many manufacturers have stepped up their game, and comfort is now competing with style, to provide stress-free walking to stay fit and healthy. I truly want to find a look that makes me feel lively and pretty, she thought to herself. She observed that comfortable shoes are very soft, you can wiggle your toes when you're inside the footwear and it absorbs the shock when you walk, step or stand. The arch support is there, and the heel aligns with the flat sole. She was worried that the flats don't have the glamour and sophistication like high heels. In reality, flats range from elegant to casual and have just as much chance of flattering your outfit and appearance as a high heel. Flats are engineered differently, and the price of comfort costs more to make.

She wondered why she should wear higher heels? Heels can make you taller, and make the legs look thinner, hmm? She googled higher heels and learned what Abbasseh Towfigh, a podiatrist in Santa Monica, Calif., says, "I always tell my patients the feet are the tires of our car: The more mileage you put on them, and the kind of mileage you put on them, causes wear and tear at every level, from your skin to your joints to the fat padding." Towfigh says that as you age, you wear out the fat pads at the bottom of the feet, the cartilage thins in all the joints, and your muscles, tendons and soft tissue tighten up. Your heels should be comfortable enough to walk at least six blocks, but I’d be surprised if anyone (at least, anyone with their podiatrist’s blessing) is walking for miles in heels”. She was getting closer to an educated decision.

She tried on some strappy pumps because they seemed easier to walk in. She was not used to walking in heels. She also tried a chunkier heel and a nice wedge, because she found the skinnier the heel the harder it is to balance her posture and stance. She almost fell over! She decided to agree with the experts, and not go higher than 2 1/2” in heel height. Since she wasn't in the movies, at least not yet anyway, or taking pictures or shooting film, that for actual life, she would go with the lower heel.

The young lady searched and searched, but she found a pair of shoes to cover her aching feet, that was just right. The 2” inch strappy black pumps, were stylish and comfortable. She skipped out of the store onto the busy sidewalk, with a song in her heart and a smile on her face. Yes, shoes are so important,

They can make a girl feel wonderful. She had so many to choose from, but she kept in mind the advice of the podiatrist, and she was happy. Her toes wiggled freely in the toes, the heel sat firmly on the sole, and she walked the 6 blocks back to her home feeling blissful and singing a happy tune. That's how to pick the best shoes for you.

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